Sunday, May 14, 2006

Aguirre, The Wrath of God Review

Werner Herzog's films feel very raw as if what he is capturing is actually happening. He is obviously infatuated with nature and its creatures. There is one scene with a baby sloth and another of a mother rat-like creature carrying its babies somewhere out of their nest. There is also the infamous scene with all those damn monkies. Kinski's performance isn't that great. To tell you the truth, most of the performances feel very unnatural, but the overall feel to the film is pretty amazing. I liked the music alot especially the Indian pipe music. This film is usually considered Herzog's masterpiece and to an extent, I would probably have to agree with that. I'm not sure if I like this more than Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, but it was pretty amazing.
**** out of ****

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