Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Decalogue VI and VII Reviews

Decalogue VI(dir. Kieslowski)
This is easily tied or maybe even better than Decalogue I. It is tragic yet beautiful. I was very surprised by this one since it deals with love yet it is told in a very accessible way about a young man's fatuation with an older woman. He "peeps" at her all the time through his telescope and their eventual confratation. What leads after this might possibly the finest moments in the Decalogue and maybe even cinema.
**** out of ****.
Decalogue VII
The story is simple yet very complex morally. Most of the stories in the Decalogue are like that. This however feels different from the rest. It doesn't spend most of its time in the urban landscape that populates most of the other films/episodes. It mainly spends its time in rural landscapes. It poses the question about kidnapping your own child and young people having children. It is fascinating and is worthy of the Decalogue.
**** out of ****.

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