Sunday, September 16, 2007

Oh Michel Gondry...

The Science of Sleep(dir. Michel Gondry)
Having seen some of his music videos prepared me for this craziness. The film is definately more reminscent of those music videos I've seen than Eternal Sunshine. This film contained a child-like charm to it, but it was also as immature as it's main character with some of it's scenes. It's innocence was infectious. Gael Garcia Bernal's performance was quite remarkable since his character could have easily been portrayed in a rather unlikeable and unbelievable way. Some of his dreams seemed "too" goofy and some of his actions were frustratingly immature near the end, but I guess if you're a man-child, immaturity comes with the territory. It was whimsical and charming. I really enjoyed this.
***1/2 out of ****

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