Sunday, September 10, 2006

Oh Boy...

Millenium Mambo(dir. Hou Hsiao-Hsien)
Poetic and much less detached than the last film I've seen by him. A Woman Under the Influence done by a Taiwanese director.
**** out of ****
Licensed to Kill(dir. Arthur Dong)
Watch this in my English class. Interesting interviews make this bearable. Lack of direction and stupid decisions make this a pretty average documentary with interviews and subject matter that could have done alot better.
** out of ****
Hearts of Darkness(dir. ?)
Listening to Francis Ford Coppola flip out on the phone is pretty entertaining. I didn't really learn much from this film, but it flowed very nicely. It also has behind the scenes footage of one of my favorite films. This might even be better than Apocalypse Now.
**** out of ****
Band of Outsiders(dir. Jean-Luc Godard)
People say this is a good starting point for Godard, but I don't think so. Thats not to say its not accessible because it certainly is, but it feels like all style and no substance. His other films I've seen, the style is the substance, but this one was still enjoyable. Definately not as good as Masculin Feminin.
*** out of ****
Titicut Follies(dir. Frederick Wiseman)
This could possibly be my favorite documentary. It certainly is disturbing since its footage the director caught of inmates in a asylum. There pretty much is no story to this film, but simply raw moments of inmates that helps create a human picture to insanity and asylum life. Simply amazing.
**** out of ****