Friday, August 24, 2007

Oh John Travolta...

Wild Hogs(dir. Walt Becker)
The homophobia was in bad taste, but I guess all the jokes and pretty much everything was in bad taste. Not in terms of political correctness, in terms of humor. The only amusing part was seeing John Travolta getting attacked by a crow for no apparent reason. It was a ridiculous moment that was entertaining while all the other jokes don't even feel ridiculous, they just feel mundance and embarrassing in terms of how bad they are. They almost don't seem like their jokes because you question how some screenwriter thought any of them were funny. I wouldn't even think they were jokes if this movie wasn't labelled as a comedy. John Travolta gives an outstandingly bad performance. It wasn't totally dreadful to watch and it wasn't a terribly painful experience, but it definately wasn't a good one either.
*1/2 out of ****

1 comment:

Holly Key said...

You're being awfully generous with that 1.5 stars review. It was awful!!!