Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Oh Jean & Sterling...

Decoy(dir. Jack Bernhard)
Jean Gillie is excellent in this as the femme fatale. Everybody does a competent job. Most memorable scene is easily Jean running over her thug "boyfriend." The story doesn't make a whole lot of sense especially concerning how the doctor was able to survive two bullet wounds and make it back to San Francisco and Jean's character developing an evil cackle was pretty outlandish. It was solid enough to recommend.
*** out of ****
Crime Wave(dir. Andre de Toth)
Sterling Hayden is the man. I wish he was the main character instead of that other guy. Pretty much everybody else does a better job than him. You can't really get involved with the story because you can't really sympathize with his plight. The actor doesn't do a good job, but everybody else does. The end was actually pretty exciting probably because Sterling came back into the picture. Charles Bronson was in it so that's always a plus. It was disappointing, but it was still good.
*** out of ****

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