Monday, July 09, 2007

Oh Christina Ricci...

Black Snake Moan(dir. Craig Brewer)
This was a moving experience, but when I started to think about the film afterwards, I was wondering why did it move me? The film feels false. The end brings up the question of whether Rae's "sickness" is truly cured. I don't really understand how a man could teach a woman about self-worth while she is chained to his radiater. There is a certain irony to the whole film and if the director would have indulged in this irony and pointed out that redemption is not as easy as coming across a wise black man and is a long and maybe even painful process. Sure, the characters show pain and are very emotional during their "life-chaging" process, but it all seems false. The whole idea of Rae's "sickness" being described as a "sickness" just seems utterly ridiculous. The film works when it comes down to the other relationships like Rae and Ronnie's and Lazarus and the pharmacist's. For that, the film works, but I wished the film would have not played it as straight-faced as it does especially with the end that is attached to the final product. When I think about the film, it starts to show that is an almost fatally flawed film.
**1/2 out of ****

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