Thursday, March 29, 2007

Oh Ratings...

New Rating System
***1/2-Really good
*-Really Bad
I realized I need to be more specific because I end up giving movies *** that really deserve higher and I give **** to movies that deserve lower.
Rashoman(dir. Akira Kurosawa)
Overacting. Overacting. Overacting. The one thing that has distanced me away from Kurosawa. This movie is definately marred by overacting from Toshiro Mifune and the woman that played the wife. The ending completely redeemed it from being a total waste of time since it was rather touching. Maybe I should see Ikiru because the actor that plays the woodcutter is in that and he seems to be the only actor I feel sympathetic towards in the movies I've seen by Kurosawa. It would have gotten a **, but because of the ending it gets a
*** out of ****

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