Monday, January 21, 2008

Oh Quadriplegics & Gold...

He Was a Quiet Man(dir. Frank A. Cappelo)
The thing that irks me most about this film is the tone. It's cartoonish and exaggerated, but it's dealing with this serious subject of office shootings and people being paralyzed because of it so it's lack of sensitivity to the loss of life on-screen kind of disturbs me even if it's just fictional characters. The film is basically that whole epilogue to Taxi Driver where everybody thinks he's a hero extended to feature-length with a little dab of Million Dollar Baby "euthanize me!" nonsense as well. It's a watchable little flick, but along with it's tone, it's "twist" ending is also dumb so you could definitely put this in your "to forget" bin after you watch this sucker.
** out of ****
Exiled(dir. Johnnie To)
It's essentially a modern Chinese/Hong Kongese version of The Wild Bunch with a more honorable suicidal bloodbath for a finale. This is the best action film of last year mainly because it examines male comradery in a refreshing way with some kick ass action scenes thrown in here and there. It's not quite as good as To's best film(I've seen so far), PTU, but it's still definitely one a good one to watch.
*** out of ****

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