Terrence Malick has now made only 4 films. His career started in the 70's. He made a film called Days of Heaven which should be here tomorrow in the late 70's and his next film came out in 1999. That film was The Thin Red Line which offered me a frustrating experience. I was enjoying it alot and all of sudden the film got too repetitive and it "unclicked" which made me frustrated and didn't end on a good note. The film is still worth watching and I should probably rewatch it. This film can seem long at times, but theres points of such extreme beauty that I feel I can simply overlook these instances. The last 15 minutes are amazing and should basically experienced by everyone. A lot of critics have called his films poetic and this film definitely is. The last 15 minutes and another instance in the film has such a sublime rhythm with the score going and Pocahontas's narration combining into visual poetry. I kept thinking for it for days after and feel it is a modern masterpiece.
**** out of ****
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