W.C. Fields's name is often referred with the likes of Charlie Chaplin, The Marx Brothers, and so on and so on. He is basically considered a classic comedic actor. His slurred speech is highly enjoyable and his basic behavior throughout the film is pretty entertaining. I wouldn't say this film is as good as say Duck Soup, but it definately makes you laugh at some points. I felt bored at some periods of time. The film was only 69 minutes so it wasn't that huge of an issue.
-Some good laughs
-W.C. Fields is pretty funny
-The nagging family turning rich and proper seemed highly enjoyable
-Not that funny
-Some of the jokes with the bank inspector seemed somewhat mean-spirited
-The presentation of the black character seemed rascist, but it is the 1940's
Overall: A pretty good classic comedy
*** out of ****
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