This film is directed by Sam Mendes. He is best known for American Beauty. I was actually really suprised by this movie. All I have heard from people was negative criticism. Some say it is anti-marines because they show marines wanting to kill, but in context with the film, it is understandable. The soldiers don't really see any action. Do they want to see action? They are so bored that they want something new. Something exciting. Their behavior seems contradictory about whether they want to see wear or not. The whole film feels contradictory yet that is its beauty. It isn't anti or pro war. It basically apolitical which leaves audiences able to focus on the characters instead of the agenda its trying to push. The film does not even seem like a war film. The only flaws I could see with this film is that some scenes are almost direct quotes from Full Metal Jacket and the constant referencing of classic Vietnam War films like Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, and The Deer Hunter.
-Focused more on the characters than the war
-Contradictory nature makes it feel more human
-Seemed realistic
-Some scenes are almost directly lifted from Full Metal Jacket
-Referencing of class Vietnam War films
Overall: An amazingly underrated film
**** out of ****
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