Joel and Ethan Coen are very talented contemporary film-makers. They are responsible for Fargo, The Big Lebowski, Blood Simple, and Raising Arizona. That is probably why it makes it hard to accept this movie. I know they can do better than this. This film is disappointing and subtanceless.
-Imaginative sets and art direction
-Over the top acting
-Great style
-Characters are not fleshed out at all
-Jennifer Jason Leigh's voice is just annoying
-No substance
-The ending is just too ridiculous
-Cliched themes
Overall: Average film by excellent film-makers
** out of ****
dude, you SUCK
how the hell do ya tell me that this movie has no SUBSTANCE???? its a effin MASTERPIECE fgs
my god, I spent precious time reading that
shove that review up your ass, its an EMBARRASSMENT to society
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