Desert Life #1 was lost in a forest fire or
my room.
Desert Life #2: Desert Life or Death
The town coroner came for career day. Career day was radical. This day was radical. A bunch of radicals hijacked the school bus and took us to Sea World. The torture of Sea World was so radical that some people dived into the shark tank. Later on during the day, the radicals took us back and we learned radicals in math. It sure was radical.
Desert Life #3: Deserted Life
The town DJ came for career day. DJ Connor. Me and TJ were chillin then he was like “Hi,” and I went “Hi.” TJ went “Huh?” and I went “Yah.” DJ was like “BRB.” I was like “Lol.” Then I accidentally closed the text box and the conversation ended, lmao.
Desert Life #4: Dessert Life
The town baker came to career day. Now, that’s a career. You deal with sweetz. Everybody lovez sweetz. If they don’t like sweetz then they’re weird. The baker was Yaki Tonison. He was a retired hit-man from Reno. He makes a mean pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie. That’s a word that you don’t hear everyday. Pumpkin pie should be required vocabulary daily. Conversations would happen. Make pie, not war. Good words from Yaki Tonison. Yaki was somewhat strange. He curled his hair. That is usually the sign of passion for the art of cake making. Cake makers and hit-men. Two peas in an Ipod. My Ipod has thirty two songs. Songs of romance. Songs of songs. Songs of thugz. Thugz are scary. Yaki Tonison is scary. Then the Shadow Lord came. The Shadow Lord spoke. He said, “The gems are hidden on the island.” I spoke. I said, “K gee.” Damn that baker makes a mean pumpkin pie.
Desert Life #5: Desert Lives
The town soap star came for career day. I hate soap operas. They usually have fat women. Fat women are usually on soap operas. Soap operas are fat women. This kid came into our class, his name was Jimmy Chung. He kept talking about the Shadow Lord. I was like, “I met him.” And he was “Mmk.” Two peas in an Ipod.
Desert Life #6: Deserter Life
The town deserter came for career day. What a hero. He deserted the frontline during the Ecuadorian civil war. His name was Paco Rancheros. He was the quarter-brother of the famous lover, Alberto Rancheros. Love is a magical thing. Disneyland is a magical thing. Your mother is a magical thing. Magical things will soon happen. A fortune cookie read that. Jimmy Chunk has a lifetime supply of fortune cookies. What a fortune.